• Phone: +234 (0) 810 583 0790



Our Helping to
the world.

It's time we tell our own story

What we are doing

We Are In A Mission To Give Every Nigerian A Voice


It's high time this female bashing stopped and male chauvinist attach value and respect to the female gender.


The GIANTS of Africa. It's time we tell our own stories. God bless Nigeria.


Nigeria has overtaken South Africa as Africa's largest economy. And with over 200 million people, it is the largest market in the continent.

About our foundation

We Are In A Mission To Help Develop Nigerians

MidzFoundation has been committed to improving the quality of life for Nigerian residents since 2019. MidzFoundation partners with community stakeholders, donors, and charitable organizations to improve the quality of life for Nigerian residents by maximizing the strategic impact of charitable contributions. Everyone has a role to play in helping to build our community, making Nigeria an even better place to live now and for generations to come. Our role is to help you and improve the quality of life for the citizens of Nigeria. It’s our role to connect potential donors – and their charitable interests and resources – with local needs. We do this by managing and investing a variety of resources that individuals, families and organizations have established with us. From those resources, grants and scholarships are made to address local needs right here in Nigeria. All of the assets gifted to the Foundation remain in the community and will have a direct and lasting impact in Nigeria for generations to come. We are not specifically affiliated with the local government, school district, or health system of Nigeria, but rather are an organization working to support community nonprofits, civic initiatives, and educational system that help build a stronger and better Nigeria..

About US
Our Cases you can see

Explore our latest causes that we works

Let The Girl-Child know Her Worth

Educated: 50

Goal: 5,000

The true story of Nigerians

Stories: 1,000

Goal: 1,000,000

Business opportunities available to Nigerians

Opportunities: 10

Goal: 1,000

What we are doing

Our Expert Volunteer Always ready

Akpoteheri Michael

Volunteer leader

Akpoteheri Grace

Girl-Child Volunteer leader

Brendon Tailor

Volunteer leader

Walsh Hasgt

Volunteer leader

Lets Chenge The World With Humanity

Akpoteheri Michael

Creative Director

“I want to change the mindset of the average Nigerian citizen, we are a great Nation and people, together we would create a better future for generations to come.”

Margaret Lawson

Girl-Child Director

“The Girl-Child are the most sensitive, caring and maternal people in the world. Women are very sympathetic towards people and things. They use both sides of the brain and men don't..”

Margaret Lawson

Creative Director

“Nigeria is Africa's biggest technology market and accounts for 23 percent of internet users in Africa with 122 million people online in December 2018 (Internet World Stats, 2019)..”

Our recent blog

Latest News from our recent blog





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